04 - Runes for Protection Magic (Part 1 of 2 - Elhaz/Algiz, Isa, Thurisaz)

On today’s episode of Welcome to Magic School, we’re gonna be talking about Runes for Protection Magic.

In Today’s Lesson:

  1. What are runes? How can you use runes in magic?

  2. Which runes are best for protection magic? (We’ll cover three today; stay tuned for part 2!)

    • Elhaz (Sometimes known as Algiz)

      • elk, elk-sedge, hamsa, branches of the world tree

      • protection for travelers

      • protection from ancestors

      • self-defense, boundary-setting

    • Isa

      • ice, ego

      • energy shielding

      • defensive mirror magic

    • Thurisaz

      • thurse (giant), thorn, Thor’s hammer (Mjollnir)

      • destruction (can be positive or negative, offensive or defensive, can even be creative)

  3. What are some specific ways you can invoke or evoke the magic of these protection runes in your witchcraft practice and your day to day life?

Elhaz (aka Algiz): the elk, elk-sedge, the hamsa, the universal sign for STOP, a swan in flight (valkyrie), the branches of the world tree.

Elhaz (aka Algiz): the elk, elk-sedge, the hamsa, the universal sign for STOP, a swan in flight (valkyrie), the branches of the world tree.

Isa: Ice, the ego, stillness, stagnation, reflection shield. Protection can be a help or a hindrance.

Isa: Ice, the ego, stillness, stagnation, reflection shield. Protection can be a help or a hindrance.

Thurisaz: the thorn, the hammer (Mjollnir), the thurse (giant)… forces of destruction, both proactive and reactive.

Thurisaz: the thorn, the hammer (Mjollnir), the thurse (giant)… forces of destruction, both proactive and reactive.

Further Learning & Additional Resources:

Recipe for an Energetic Protection Roller in a 10mL roller bottle: 15 drops White Angelica, 10 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Thieves, obsidian chips; top with carrier oil. Apply to sternum, back of neck, and inner forearms in the shape of your favorite protection rune.

Recipe for an Energetic Protection Roller in a 10mL roller bottle: 15 drops White Angelica, 10 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Thieves, obsidian chips; top with carrier oil. Apply to sternum, back of neck, and inner forearms in the shape of your favorite protection rune.

Did you learn something today? Share this lesson with a friend or save it to Pinterest!

Did you learn something today? Share this lesson with a friend or save it to Pinterest!

Today’s Homework:

  1. Subscribe, rate, & review (please)! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    • Welcome to Magic School can currently be reviewed on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Podchaser, and Audible.

  2. There’s no official homework today, since this is episode part 1 of 2, but if you want to get a head start, put anything you learned from this episode into action and tell me how it goes!

  3. Extra Credit: Share what you learned on Instagram and tag @welcometomagicschool so other witches can benefit, too!

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Vervain Helsdottir

Multipassionate Witch, Priestess, Artist, Singer-Songwriter, & Tea Server.


05 - Runes for Protection Magic (Part 2 of 2 - Sowilo, Othala, and Light vs. Darkness)


03 - Quelling Demons with Zhong Kui